January 12, 2025
查看里程碑新增 Add Anchor module [#5208] by @ccetl
新增 Add RenderedEntities feature [#5190] by @MukjepScarlet
新增 Add GodBridge input mode to Scaffold [#5215] by @1zun4
新增 Add server resource-pack policy memory [#5197] by @L1shed
新增 Add block place helper for 1.8 [#5219] by @1zun4
新增 Add reduced debug window [#5222] by @1zun4
新增 Add player input overwrite for 1.21.3+ [#5233] by @1zun4
新增 Add mace option to NoFall [#5234] by @1zun4
新增 Add combat pause to SmartEat [#5250] by @1zun4
新增 Add sense multiplier to FreeLock [#5245] by @sqlerrorthing
新增 Add fightbot leader to KillAura [#5267] by @1zun4
新增 Add module controls to Freecam [#5275] by @1zun4
新增 Add omni control to Sprint [#5276] by @1zun4
新增 Add look at option to Freecam [#5279] by @1zun4
新增 Add navigation to Freecam [#5281] by @1zun4
改进 Improve ElytraFly [#5178] by @ccetl
改进 Improve Chinese translation [#5175] by @MukjepScarlet
改进 Improve LiquidChat code [#5193] by @MukjepScarlet
改进 Improve rotation update order [#5213] by @1zun4
改进 Improve BookBot space handling [#5177] by @MukjepScarlet
改进 Improve ChunkScanner performance [#5174] by @MukjepScarlet
改进 Improve AutoAccount sequence [#5241] by @MukjepScarlet
改进 Improve sprint event system [#5236] by @1zun4
改进 Improve KillAura fightbot [#5256] by @1zun4
改进 Improve AutoTool settings [#5260] by @sqlerrorthing
改进 Improve Hypixel lowhop [#5280] by @liquidsquid1
修复 Fix ScriptReflectionUtils [#5142] by @commandblock2
修复 Fix storage carts ESP [#5209] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Lithium injection [#5210] by @1zun4
修复 Fix rotation update timing [#5211] by @1zun4
修复 Fix RenderedEntities null error [#5214] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Scaffold rotation [#5216] by @1zun4
修复 Fix macOS blur [#5217] by @1zun4
修复 Fix NoPush fishing rod [#5218] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Scaffold acceleration [#5221] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Speed yaw offset [#5223] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Minimap palette [#5230] by @1zun4
修复 Fix entity list clearing [#5232] by @MukjepScarlet
修复 Fix ClientModule activation [#5231] by @ccetl
修复 Fix MobOwners update [#5248] by @MukjepScarlet
修复 Fix render phases access [#5249] by @1zun4
修复 Fix input direction [#5251] by @1zun4
修复 Fix script engine crash [#5252] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Velocity jump reset [#5253] by @1zun4
修复 Fix FreeCam controls [#5257] by @1zun4
修复 Fix InvseeCommand crashes [#5258] by @1zun4
修复 Fix strafe input issues [#5262] by @1zun4
修复 Fix AutoBow packet flag [#5264] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Scaffold sprint control [#5277] by @1zun4
修复 Fix Scaffold telly mode [#5282] by @1zun4
修复 Fix inventory tracking [#5284] by @1zun4
修复 Fix chat message stacking [#5266] by @sqlerrorthing
January 3, 2025
查看里程碑改进 Improved German transactions.
修复 Fixed Scaffold not swinging hand when placing blocks.
修复 Fixed NoFall not working anymore.
修复 Fixed rendering bug in the BlockOutline module.
January 2, 2025
查看里程碑新增 Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4.
新增 Added various new settings to AutoWeapon.
新增 Added BetterTab module which allows customizing the tab menu.
新增 Script API: Added ability to debug scripts using '.client debug'. For more information, checkout this pull request.
新增 Added ArmorMaterial choice to AntiBot which is useful in modes where most real players wear certain kinds of armor.
新增 Added additional settings to the BlockOutline module making it a lot more customizable.
新增 Information about durability and stack count can now be shown by the NameTags module.
新增 Added '.tps' command which attempts to determine the current ticks per second of the server being played on.
新增 Added AutoBook module which allows automatically generating massive amounts of books filled with random text.
新增 Added additional settings to Velocity's Intave mode.
新增 Added block whitelist and blacklist to Nuker.
新增 Added NoSlowness setting to NoSlow which will cancel slowness effects.
新增 Added ability to ignore collisions to the Sprint module.
新增 Added ability to copy and automatically paste messages from chat to the BetterChat module.
新增 Added additional visual effect called 'Ghost' to target rendering.
改进 Updated MCEF dependency.
改进 Switched to a OkHttp for handling HTTP requests. This should fix issues with files not downloading properly in some countries.
改进 All contributors will now automatically be added to the 'fabric.mod.json' file and shown in mod menu.
改进 The Smooth setting of the Rotations module is now more customizable.
改进 Server MOTDs are no longer forced into a single line.
改进 Improved performance of the NameTags module.
改进 Decorated pots can now be highlighted by the StorageESP module.
改进 LiquidBounce now uses the Vanilla blur shader for menus.
改进 Bind and Hidden settings will no longer be shown for modules where they do not make sense.
改进 Improved the client's aiming system.
修复 Fixed inconsistent naming of EggAndSnowball setting of AutoShoot.
修复 Fixed InventoryMove preventing Minecraft's toggle sneak setting from working properly.
修复 Fixed loading of auto configs never timing out and causing the client to lag in some cases.
修复 Fixed locating modules from the ClickGUI's search bar not working properly.
修复 Fixed conflict between ViaFabricPlus and the Rotations module.
修复 Fixed missing animation in array list when a module is disabled.
修复 Fixed disconnect event being implemented wrongly which caused certain modules to disable unexpectedly.
修复 Fixed implicit dependency on the Fabric API mod.
修复 Fixed incompatibility with the Lithium mod.
修复 Script API: Fixed remapper not working properly for interfaces and inherited methods/attributes.
修复 Fixed AutoFish reacting to sounds too far away.
修复 Fixed protocol version check of auto configs causing issues under certain circumstances.
修复 Fixed Spammer inserting a random string when a command is set as the message.
修复 Fixed NoPush not working in some situations.
修复 Fixed PacketLogger not handling silently sent packets.
修复 Fixed possible OutOfBounds exception in the MurderMysteryESP module.
修复 Fixed settings of NoFall's MLG mode not being displayed in the click GUI.
December 17, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Added AutoPearl module which automatically aims ender pearl throws at an enemy.
新增 Added option to use game ticks instead of player ticks in TickBase.
新增 Added Post and Future modes to TickBase which affect when TickBase is being triggered.
新增 Extracted various settings of PointTracker into new Dynamic category.
新增 Added Reverse rotation mode to Scaffold's Telly mode.
新增 Added Undetectable mode to InventoryMove which prevents inventory interaction while moving.
新增 Added ItemChams module which adds visual effects to held items.
新增 Added HurtTime settiing to Backtrack.
新增 Added Attack and Range modes to Backtrack which determine the priority of targets.
新增 Added BreakDamage setting to PacketMine.
新增 Added various new settings to acceleration modes used by various modules.
新增 Added RecoilTime setting to FakeLag which determines when the module should be active.
新增 Added WaitForConfirm setting to PacketMine.
新增 Added various settings related to packet flushing to FakeLag.
改进 Updated UI to Svelte 5 which should have fixed various issues.
改进 Updated various client dependencies.
改进 Improved German translations.
改进 Improved Russian transactions.
改进 Improved Chinese translations.
改进 Improved German transactions.
改进 Improved performance of the minimap HUD component.
改进 Fixed NullPointerException in HoleManager used by various modules.
改进 Renamed PauseOnHit to PauseOnHurttime in Backtrack.
改进 Improved performance of BedPlates.
改进 Improved default values of NameProtect and Spammer.
改进 Expanded default search radius of BedDefender.
改进 Improved CustomAmbience module.
修复 Fixed ClientSpoofer running when not connected to a server.
修复 Fixed Vanilla autocompletion handler for client commands not being case insensitive.
修复 Fixed various bugs related to the minimap HUD component.
修复 Fixed bug related to Breadcrumbs.
修复 Fixed changing the client language not affecting module descriptions immediately.
修复 Fixed module toggle state changes not affecting the ClickGUI's search results.
修复 Fixed duplicated notification being shown when a proxy is set in the proxy manager.
修复 Fixed legacy color codes not being displayed properly in Nametags.
修复 Fixed pagination of .help command not working properly.
修复 Fixed MLG mode of NoFall.
修复 Fixed BlockBounce module not working properly.
修复 Fixed SpeedVulcanGround286 speed bypass not allowing jumping.
修复 Fixed JCEF download being slow for some poeple.
修复 Fixed inefficiency in Trahectories rendering.
修复 Fixed bug related to AntiSpam message accumulation.
修复 Fixed missing language files causing NullPointerExceptions during launch.
修复 Fixed ChestAura using outdated block states.
修复 Fixed PacketMine efficiency calculation.
修复 Fixed food level overflowing on some servers.
December 3, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Added HoleFiller module which automatically fills safe spots in CrystalPVP with blocks.
新增 Added ability to see cached inventories of players outside of rendering distance using InvSee.
新增 Added BalanceLimitSpeed setting to TimerRange module.
新增 Added PacketLogger module which logs processed packets to the chat.
新增 Added onTick and OnUse rotation timings to AutoBuff which will not interrupt combat by rotating downwards.
新增 Added Blink mode to Criticals.
新增 Added NotDuringCombat setting to ChestAura which will prevent the feature from messing with rotations during combat.
新增 Added Random to Scaffold's GodBridge modes.
改进 Improved CombineMobs module.
改进 Added fire resistance potion to AutoBuff.
改进 Improved performance of ProphuntESP.
改进 Improved performance of TPAura's path finding.
改进 Tags rendered by ItemTags module now scale with distance.
改进 Refactored timing settings of click scheduler used by various modules.
改进 Improved AutoFarm module with new settings and functionality.
改进 Improved font renderer.
修复 Fixed bug that prevented some players from joining certain servers.
修复 Fixed ChestAura not working properly with double chests.
修复 Fixed KillAura not attacking when MultiActions was enabled and AutoBlock disabled.
November 25, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Added Step bypass for BlocksMC.
新增 Added Velocity for BlocksMC.
新增 Added PacketMine module which automatically continues breaking blocks clicked once.
新增 Added GhostBlock mode to AntiVoid.
新增 Added TPAura module.
新增 Added FastEXP module which automatically repairs your armor using experience bottles if necessary.
新增 Added OnlyFacing setting to SuperKnockback which disables extra knockback if the enemy is not facing you. This prevents the enemy from getting an advantageous knockback boost.
新增 Added NotWhileUsingItem setting to Speed.
新增 Added configurable grid snapping to ClickGUI panels.
新增 Added ElytraRecast module which automatically recasts the Eltry while holding the jump key. This bypasses certain servers using the Grim anti cheat.
新增 Added Age setting to custom AntiBot settings.
新增 Added BasePlace setting to CrystalAura and improved module with new settings and fixes.
新增 Added Flag and Blink modes to AntiVoid module.
新增 Fixed IllegalStateException and NullPointerException in Minimap HUD component.
改进 Improved random username generator of account manager.
改进 Improved Speed bypass for BlocksMC.
改进 Servers can no longer close LiquidBounce menu screens.
改进 Improbed Backtrack module with various new settings.
改进 Reworked font renderer to now support non-ASCII characters.
改进 Improved Intave14 Speed bypass with various new settings.
改进 JCEF cache will now be cleaned up occasionally.
改进 Made directory naming of DebugRecorder outputs more consistant with the rest of LiquidBounce's file structure.
改进 Clip now considers the player's facing direction.
改进 Improved performance of the BedPlates module.
改进 Merged FriendClicker module into new MiddleClickAction module which offers additional functionality.
改进 Improved performance of internal chunk scanner used by various modules.
改进 Made Gaussian factors of point tracker used by various modules more customizable.
改进 Improved German translations.
改进 Improved Russian translations.
改进 Improved Chinese translations.
修复 Fixed Step module not detecting properly whether it can step up a certain height.
修复 Fixed ConcurrentModificationException caused by the internal Netty server.
修复 Fixed ConcurrentModificationException in FakeLag module.
修复 Fixed ClickGUI responding to certain game events even when closed.
修复 Fixed crash caused by Minimap HUD component.
修复 Fixed ClickGUI sliders sending massive amounts of unnecessary value updates.
修复 Fixed crash on macOS caused by updating the window title from another thread than the main thread.
修复 Fixed NameProtect still replacing names when disabled.
修复 Fixed incompatibility with main menu shader background causing crashes.
修复 Fixed MCEF files checksum test not working under certain conditions.
修复 Fixed SwordBlock still showing the shield in the offhand slot.
修复 Fixed Surround module not considering the Update Section Blocks packet.
修复 Fixed ClickGUI panels being draggable using right click.
修复 Fixed ClickGUI saving settings unnecessarily often.
修复 Fixed changing the SearchBarAutoFocus setting of ClickGUI not having an immediate effect.
修复 Removed left over debug print from block settings.
修复 Fixed TrueSight glow not working.
修复 Fixed XRay not applying changed values immediately.
修复 Fixed incompatibility between XRay and Sodium.
修复 Fixed order of modules loaded from scripts.
修复 Unused events are no longer being broadcasted on the UI websocket.
November 16, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Major overhaul to the script API fixing just-in-time compilation and Minecraft remapping. Performance should be much better now.
新增 Added ClickGUI caching which should significantly improve opening times.
新增 Added Microsoft authentication forwarding support to proxies. This should bypass some servers attempting to block proxies.
新增 Added InventoryTracker module which attempts to keep track of the inventories of other players. Use .invsee command to see the tracked inventory of any player.
新增 Added BlockRate setting to KillAura's AutoBlock feature.
新增 Added Ceiling setting to Scaffold which will attempt to place blocks above you to make it harder for enemies to attack from above.
新增 Added HeadHitter setting to Scaffold which makes the player jump automatically if there are blocks above him for a short speed boost.
新增 Added FreeLook module which allows you to move the camera freely without affecting your walking direction.
新增 Added RearView setting to QuickPerspectiveSwap module.
新增 Added smart feature to VClip command which will automatically determine a safe vertical offset to teleport to.
新增 Added new consume Intave bypass to NoSlow.
新增 Added array list tags to AutoShoot module.
新增 Added "BoatFly" as alias to VehicleControl module.
新增 Added support for key settings that work similarly to bind settings but only store a key.
新增 Added Andromeda bypass to Scaffold.
改进 Different actions like equipping armor and tossing items now have different priorities in InventoryManager.
改进 Improved default static wallpaper in the main menu.
改进 Added animated loaders to menu buttons which actions might take some time to process.
改进 Renamed OnlyExposure setting of XRay to ExposedOnly.
改进 Improved proxy validation.
改进 Improved Hypixel auto block for KillAura.
改进 Improved point tracker used by various modules.
改进 Improved performance of Debug module.
改进 Improved performance of client command registration.
改进 Renamed button to open click GUI in main menu from "ClickGUI" to "Click GUI" to improve consistency.
改进 BedDefender will now prioritize placing blocks near the bed.
改进 Reworked .position client command.
改进 Improved performance and reliability of CrystalAura module.
改进 Updated MCEF to 1.2.0 which should improve HTML menu rendering performance slightly.
改进 MobOwners now uses the game internal thread pool.
改进 Improved loading of language files.
改进 Improved German translations.
改进 Improved Russian transactions.
改进 Improved English transactions.
改进 Improved Chinese translations.
修复 Fixed issues with chunk scanner used by various modules.
修复 Fixed Vanilla autocompletion not working in client commands.
修复 Fixed authentication forwarding setting in proxy addition/editing modal not being reset after closing.
修复 Fixed bug related to rotation resetting when Scaffold OnTick mode is being used.
修复 Fixed names of various settings of Surround module not being capitalized correctly.
修复 Fixed server address not being trimmed automatically in menu inputs.
修复 Fixed incompatibility between KillAura and AutoShoot.
修复 Fixed rare crash caused by StorageESP.
移除 Removed useless AngleSmooth modes from AimBot.
November 16, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Hylex.GG Low-Hop Speed [#4535] by @liquidsquid1
新增 Hylex.GG On-Ground Speed [#4535] by @liquidsquid1
新增 Hylex.GG Velocity [#4535] by @liquidsquid1
新增 Add speed in combat option [#4536] by @1zun4
新增 Add CrystalAura ID prediction and set dead [#4527] by @ccetl
修复 Fix ClickGUI not updating after theme change [#4518] by @1zun4
修复 Fix ClickGUI sync issues with bind [#4519] by @1zun4
修复 Fix using key instead of bind [#4531] by @ccetl
修复 Fix rods treated as throwables [#4437] by @larryngton2
November 4, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Added ability to configure base and sprint speed seperately in the VehicleControl module.
新增 Added setting to Fly which automatically turn off the module when a flag is detected.
新增 Added new Speed bypasses for Intave 14.
新增 Added Surround module which automatically builds blocks around the player to protected against explosions. Used for CrystalPVP.
新增 Added setting to SuperKnockback which disables the module under water.
新增 Added various modes to the NoSlow module in regards to sneaking. Including a bypass for AAC5.
新增 Made aiming acceleration of various modules more customizable.
新增 Added setting to Velocity which will only apply reduced velocity when the player is moving.
新增 Added various new settings to the TimerRange module.
新增 Added array list tags to various modules.
新增 Added dupe module with dupe exploit for Paper servers (1.20.4 - 1.21.1).
新增 Added bypass for various anti cheats including Vulcan to VehicleControl.
新增 Added new bypass for Vulcan to the Scaffold module.
新增 Added Twerk module which makes the player rapidly sneak and unsneak.
新增 Added customizable text component to HUD.
新增 Added new visual settings to FlagCheck module.
新增 Reworked the BedPlates module adding various new visual settings.
新增 Added customizable animations to Zoom module.
新增 Added SilentHotbar module which will disable showing silently selected hotbar items.
新增 Added various new settings to the Eagle module.
新增 Added TNTTimer module which shows the remaining time until an ignited TNT block explodes through walls.
新增 Added settings to the BetterChat module which allow preprending and appending text to chat messages.
新增 Added shadow to modals in main menu.
改进 Reorganized various settings of the Nametags module.
改进 Vastly improved HoleESP now allowing you to see how much protection a hole will provide against explosions.
改进 Made the NoClip module compatible with boats.
改进 Completely reworked Nuker module adding ability to only enable the module within certain areas and fixing bugs related to performance.
改进 Currently selected protocol version is now shown in the window title.
改进 Merged the AutoTotem module into a new Offhand module which provides additional functionality.
改进 Improved accuracy of the FlagCheck module.
改进 Reworked module bind system. It now allows for binding modules to mouse buttons.
改进 Merged ForceUnicodeChat into BetterChat.
改进 Improvved performance of minimap.
改进 Improved Russian transactions.
改进 Improved German translations.
改进 Improved Chinese transactions.
修复 Fixed AntiStaff spamming notifications under certain circumstances.
修复 Fixed vehicles causing issues with the Teleport module.
修复 Fixed client message spam when loading certain configs.
修复 Fixed X-Ray being way too dark when Sodium is installed.
修复 Fixed Fucker trying to break unbreakable blocks.
修复 Fixed potential memory leak in the NameProtect module.
修复 Fixed ability to add blank names to NameProtect.
修复 Fixed bugged calculations in the ProjectilePuncher module.
修复 Fixed the GhostHand module not working with shulker boxes.
修复 Fixed account manager button being clickable even when the account manager is already open.
移除 Removed Guilded server from the client as it has been deleted.
October 18, 2024
查看里程碑新增 Added HurtTime setting to Intave velocity which should allow it to bypass again.
新增 Added Vomit module which rapidly drops items from the inventory making it look as if the player was vomitting.
新增 Added item tags module which displays the icons of dropped items through walls.
新增 Added BlockCounter HUD component which shows the amount of remaining blocks when using Scaffold.
新增 Added different modes for handling accumulated packets in FakeLag.
新增 Added DamageParticles module which shows the amount of damage you dealt to an enemy.
新增 Added new velocity, low hop and target strafe bypasses for Hypixel.
新增 Added Fluid setting to NoSlow which prevents flowing water and lava from affecting the player.
新增 Added OnlyExposure setting to X-Rray which only renders blocks that are not surrounded by solid blocks.
新增 Added MaxDistance setting to BedPlates module.
新增 Added BalanceWarp setting to Freeze module which allows you to buffer packets while frozen.
改进 Improved MurderMysteryESP sword detection.
改进 Improved Russian transactions.
改进 Improved German transactions.
改进 Improved Chinese trsnslations.
改进 Improved performance of chunk scanner used by modules such as BedPlates, BlockESP abd FarmAutoWalk.
改进 Improved visibility of rotation box rendered by Rotations module.
修复 Fixed bug that caused Velocity to stop working under certain circumstances.
修复 Fixed issue related to Scaffold mode Telly.
移除 Removed ability to control the client from origins other than localhost and due to security concerns.